29 November 2011

Advent Bible Study

Bible Study on Isaiah 9:1-7
1. Is Advent a spiritual high point in your year? If so, why? If not, why not?
2. Read verses 1-2 and then Matthew 4:13-15. How is Isaiah's prophecy fulfilled in Jesus?
3. Read verses 3-5. Why is the coming of the Messiah compared to a military victory? What yokes has Jesus shattered?
4. Read verse 6. 'A wonder it is that God should reveal himself as a baby' (Ephrem the Syrian). What does the Incarnation tell us about God?
5. Reflect on the titles given to the Messiah in this verse. How have you experienced Jesus as Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace?
6. Read verse 7. How is the kingdom of the Messiah different from earthly kingdoms? What does the increase of the Messiah's government look like?
7. 'The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this'. Why do we need to hear this promise?
You might also like to remind groups of the seven things they need to know about Advent (and what they can do to remember them):
- Israel: list Old Testament prophecies in the nativity stories of Matthew and Luke
- Light: light a candle (or a fire!)
- Joy: listen to advent music
- Liberation: memorise the Magnificat
- Incarnation: mediate on God becoming human
- Kingdom: invite others for meals as Jesus did as a sign of his new society
- Yahweh: praise God for his zeal for his people

22 November 2011

Own Programme: Games Night

This week we are playing games at Kate and Foggy's house in Cosby. Someone keep an eye on Keith!

Thanks Kate and Foggy for hosting.

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15 November 2011

Bible Study: Blessed are the peace-makers

beatitudes bulletin cover

1. For starters: We live in a world that often longs for peace and seems to value it. Why do you think it is so elusive – both on a global scale and in our personal relationships?

2. Now we think about the biblical concept of peace. Look up the following Old Testament passages in groups – each of which includes the
Hebrew word shalom (=peace) and each of which looks at ‘peace’ from a different angle.
• Exodus 4:18; Genesis 43:27
• Joshua 9:15; 1 Kings 5:12
• Psalm 122:6; Jeremiah 29:7
• Psalm 4:8
• Psalm 85:10; Isaiah 48:18 & 22
What do we learn about the biblical concept of peace from these passages?

3. What stands out for you from these passages about the nature of shalom / peace in

4. Jesus is the prince of peace. Look up the following passages from the gospels in groups:
• Luke 1:79
• Luke 2:14
• Mark 5:34
• Luke 7:50
• John 20:19,21,26
What do these passages tell us about the nature of the peace that Jesus brings?

5. Look up the following passages from the New Testament:
• Romans 5:1ff.
• Colossians 1:20
• Ephesians 2:13-18
How did the early Christians understand the nature of the peace that Jesus has won for us?

6. What stands out for you about the peace that Jesus brings from these passages?

7. Now we will think about our role as peacemakers. Look up the following passages:
• Ephesians 4:3
• Hebrews 12:14
• Romans 14:19
• 1 Corinthians 14:33
Why do you think there is such an emphasis on ‘peace’ as a characteristic of the Christian life in the New Testament?

8. Looking over all you’ve learnt about ‘peace’ from different parts of Scripture tonight:
• Can you think of situations / relationships in your life at the moment where God might
be calling you to be a ‘peacemaker’?
• How can we encourage one another as a homegroup to be committed to a biblical
concept of ‘peace’ – both in our life as a group – in our life as a wider church family –
and in the other relationships in our lives (e.g. in the workplace, in our families, in our
marriages, in our friendships...)

9. Pray for one another in those areas – maybe using Hebrews 13:20-21 as a starting-point.

01 November 2011

Bible Study: Blessed are the merciful

beatitudes bulletin cover

1. For starters: Try and come up with a definition of the word ‘mercy’.
2. Can you think of a time in your own life when someone showed you mercy? What
happened – and how did you respond?

Read Matthew 5:7. Mercy is one of the defining characteristics of God in the Old Testament.
For example:
• Exodus 33:19
• Deuteronomy 4:31
• Micah 7:18

3. Can you think of examples in the Bible when God shows mercy to his people?
4. Why is it such good news for us that God is a God who delights to show mercy?
(Optional: see Eph 2:1-5)

5. Jesus tells us here that the people who show mercy to others are those who will
receive mercy from God. Why do you think a sign of a true Christian is that they will
show mercy to others?

Read Matthew 18:21-35 for a parable Jesus told, explaining this to his disciples.
6. What does Jesus want us to understand about God’s mercy here?
7. Why should we show mercy to one another, according to this parable?

Look at Matthew 5:38-48.
8. How do you naturally respond to someone who wrongs you? How does Jesus say
we should respond as his people?
9. Did Jesus practice what he preached here? See Luke 23:34...

10. What impact would it have on the people around you if you chose to show mercy to
people who insult you or hurt you?
11. Have a look at Romans 12:17-21. What encouragements are there here to show
mercy to those who oppose us?

12. Pray for one another – that you’d have a deeper understanding of God’s great mercy
towards us in Jesus, and that in response, you’d be able to show mercy to others.