22 September 2009

Autumn Term 2009 Homegroup Programme

Autumn Term 2009 Homegroup Programme
Here is the programme for the next couple of week. If you'd like to volunteer to host/lead then please get in touch especially as we have no one for the 11th November onwards. Also we haven't sorted out an "Own Programme" for 21st October.

Suggested Prayer Topic
23rd September
Bible Study:
Pray 2
Family Members
30th September
Kate and Foggy’s
Bible Study:
Pray 3
UK Parliament/Politics
6th October
Family Meeting
14th October
Keith and Jenny’s
Bible Study:
Pray 4
Church Stuff/Needs
21st October
Own Programme:
28th October
Kate and Foggy’s
Bible Study:
Engage 1
3rd November
Family Meeting
11th November

Bible Study:
Engage 2
Global Needs
18th November
Own Programme:
25th November

Bible Study: Engage 3
General Stuff
1st December
Family Meeting
9th December

Bible Study:
Engage 4
Christmas Outreach
16th December
Own Programme:

Here is the map to get to Kate and Foggy's:

View Larger Map

And here is the study for this week on 1 Timothy 2:1-7. It is the second in the "Pray" series.

Ice breaker
  • Which people do you pray for regularly?
  • How do you decide who to pray for?
Read 1 Timothy 2:1-7
  1. How do we know that Paul thinks prayer is important?
  2. Who does Paul think should be prayed for (v.1)? What do you think that means in practice?
  3. Why does Paul include prayign for those in authority in v.2?
  4. What do you think 'this is good' at the start of v.3 refers to?
  5. What do we learn about the 'heart of God' in v.4? How should that influence the way we think and pray for people? What 'truth' does Paul have in mind?
  6. How does v.5-6 explain v.4? Why does the fact that there is only one God matter?
  7. What does it mean to be a mediator? Why is Jesus able to be our mediator?
  8. Looking at v.6 how does Jesus do this mediation between God and us? What does it mean for Jesus to be a ransom? Who is he a ransom for?
  9. What do you think the end of v.6 means? Why does Paul add it?
  10. What does Paul pray about himself in v.7?
  11. Look back over the whole passage. Notice the times that Paul speaks of 'everyone' and 'all people'. How is the instruction to 'pray for everyone' linked to Jesus' 'ransom for all people'?
  12. How does this passage encourage you to pray? Who will you be praying for? What is their greatest need? What will you be praying for them?

08 September 2009


This term we are looking at material from A Passion for Life, a nationally resourced but locally organised mission.


Luke 11:1-13


  • What things do you find it hard to be motivated to do? What helps you?

Read Luke 11:1-13

  • What do Jesus disciples ask in v1? What does this teach us about ‘Christian’ prayer? Why not pray now that our Father would teach us about prayer from this passage.
  • Look at the prayer that Jesus teaches the disciples in v2-4. How are we to address God? Is that how you think about your relationship with God?
  • What is the primary focus of our prayers meant to be? What do you think Jesus means by ‘hallowed be your name’ and ‘your kingdom come’? How do these requests challenge our priorities in prayer?
  • What things are we to pray for ourselves? Why do you think we need to be praying them?
  • How might the ‘Lord’s Prayer’ shape our praying for people who are not yet Christians?
  • Why does Jesus continue and add v5-13?
  • V5-13 contain illustrations in v5-8 and v11-13. What is Jesus encouraging with the ‘meat’ in the middle, in v9-10?
  • Do you think that Jesus is promising that everything we ask for will be given to us? In the light of vv2-4, what kind of prayers can we be sure that our Father will answer?
  • Look at the parable in v5-8. Why will the man’s request be answered? How is this
    encouragement for us to pray?
  • What does Jesus teach about human fathers in v11-13? How does He use this to
    teach us about our Father in heaven?
  • In what ways does this whole section challenge and encourage us in our praying?