1. How often do you think of God as Trinity in your life as a Christian – of God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit? What difference does that make to your relationship with him?
Jesus promises the Holy Spirit
2. Take a bit of time to remind yourselves of the context of John 14. Who is Jesus speaking to? What is about to happen to Jesus?
Read John 14:15-31
3. In vv.15-21, Jesus teaches that his departure will lead to the sending of the Spirit to the disciples. What does he tell us about the Spirit here?
4. What does v.21 tell us about the people to whom the Holy Spirit is given?
5. How does the coming of the Spirit help Jesus’ followers to grow in the areas described in vv.15, 21 and 23?
6. In what ways does this help us understand the work of the Spirit in the life of a Christian? Does this add to or challenge any of the ways you’ve previously heard of the work of the Spirit?
7. Look at v.23. What comfort would Jesus’ disciples have taken from Jesus’ words here? What comfort can we take from them today?
The Trinity in John 13-14
John 13-17 contains some of the most detailed descriptions of God as Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – that we find in the Bible.
8. Looking over John chapters 13 and 14 (the chapters we’ve looked at together so far in this series):
• What do we learn about God the Father from these chapters?
• What do we learn about Jesus / God the Son from these chapters?
• What do we learn about God the Holy Spirit from these chapters?
9. Invite every person in the group to take one thing that has stood out for them about God tonight – and give short prayers of thanksgiving for who God is together.
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