05 March 2013

Bible Study: Matthew 11:25-30

For starters

  1. Think of a time in your life when you would have described yourself as ‘weary’ (it could be right now).  In what ways is ‘weariness’ distinct from simple tiredness?
  2. What things do you generally find yourself worrying about in your life?  What keeps you up at night?

Into the Bible – Matthew 11:25-30

Read Jesus’ words in Matthew 11:25-30.

  1. What do we learn about the Son / Jesus from vv.25-27?
  2. According to Jesus, which sort of people respond to him in the right way?  Which sort of people fail to respond to him in the right way?

Look at vv.28-30.

  1. According to Jesus, what is the solution to our burdens?
  2. In what ways would a first-century Jewish audience listening to Jesus have been ‘weary and burdened’?  (If it’s helpful, look up the following passages:
    • Matthew 23:1-4
    • Matthew 5:41 (almost certainly a reference to the practice of Roman soldiers of conscripting ordinary citizens to carry military equipment)
  1. In what ways might we similarly feel ‘weary and burdened’ as Christians today?

‘I will give you rest’.
  1. Look up Hebrews 4:1-11.  What do we learn about the ‘rest’ God offers his people here?  How does this help us understand more fully what Jesus is offering us here?

  1. The rest Jesus offers those who come to him includes rest from:
    • the burden of not being good enough
    • the expectations of other people
    • emotional anxiety
    • ultimately, physical restriction (in God’s ‘rest’, the new creation)
Is this how we think of relationship with Jesus in the gospel?  Is this the invitation we’re    holding out to people in the gospel?
  1. Look at vv.29-30.  Jesus speaks of his people being ‘yoked’ to him.  How does being yoked to Jesus result in us finding rest for our souls?

  1. “Jesus’ burden is light, because he’s done the heavy lifting.”  What do you most need to remember about Jesus in your life right now?
  2. “Jesus’ invitation in these verses is too good to refuse – and too good to keep to ourselves.”  Think of a friend/relative/neighbour/colleague who doesn’t know Jesus – and spend some time praying that they would come to find rest in him.

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