Bible Study: John 11
For starters
- How generally does our world respond to death and bereavement?
- In what ways will Christians respond in a similar way? In what ways will they respond differently?
Read John 11:1-7.
- What do we learn about Jesus’ relationship with Lazarus, Martha and Mary in vv.1-5?
- What’s surprising about Jesus’ response to Martha and Mary’s message in vv.5-6?
Read John 11:17-27
- Look over Jesus’ conversation with Martha. What do we learn about Martha from it? What do we learn about Jesus?
- Jesus challenges Martha in vv.25-26. Why are Jesus’ words here sometimes hard to believe? How does this chapter helps us believe them?
Read John 11:28-37
- What do we learn about Mary from vv.28-33? How does Jesus relate to her differently than he does to Martha?
- How do you respond to v.35 and Jesus weeping? What does this tell us about Jesus?
- What difference does Jesus weeping make to the picture of Jesus we get in this chapter?
Read John 11:38-44
- What stands out for you from these verses about who Jesus is? e.g.
- Jesus’ relationship with his Father?
- Jesus’ power and authority?
- What comfort can we take from a chapter like John 11?
- Look again at v.4. How might God receive glory through his people experiencing difficult or painful times? If you can, think of an example from your own life.
- This chapter shows us both Jesus’ humanity and his divinity. Which do you find more comforting at the moment? How can we help one another hold these two things about Jesus together in our lives?
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