18 July 2012

Bible Study: Ruth 4

This week were meeting at Marge's and Phil is leading the study.

Overview questions.

1) Can you trace the following themes through the book of Ruth?
• Loss/fulfilment
• Kindness
• Redemption

2) If you were to pick a key verse from the whole book what would it be?

Questions on chapter 3/4

3) What is the unresolved issue we are left with from chapter 3 (3v12)?

4) What does Boaz do the next day? Can you identify the key players in the drama of
chapter 4 (4v1-12)?

5) What reason does the closer relative give for not marrying Ruth? What is the dramatic
irony of this?

6) What do you think the removal of the sandal means? Look at the similarities/differences
between this and Deut 25v5-10. See also Exo 3v5 and Josh 1v3.

7) What is the climax in the story for Ruth (4v13)? How does the blessing which precedes
this climax explain it (4v11-12)?

8) What is the climax of the story for Naomi (4v16)? How does the blessing which
precedes this climax explain it (4v14-15)?

9) Why does the author give us the genealogy in v17-22? How are we to read the story
(see Matt 1 and Luke 3)?

10) What lessons are you going to take away from the story of Ruth, Naomi and Boaz?
Pray about these now.

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