This passage continues the story of rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem and the opposition that now arises.
- What do we know about the group that offer to help in rebuilding? Look at verse 1-2, but also 2 King 17:27-29, 40-41.
- Why do the returned exiles refuse their offer of help?
- How do they respond in verses 4-5? In what ways are we discouraged by opposition?
- NOTE: verses 6-23 are actually an example of opposition from much later when the walls of Jerusalem are being rebuilt. They are put here as an example of opposition; they are not what actually stops the rebuilding of the temple. Verse 24 resumes the narrative from verse 5.
- What example of opposition is given in verses 6-23?
- The temple has ceased to be built; what does God do in response in 5:1? How do the people respond?
- Opposition begins to appear again in verse 3. What is so comforting about verse 5?
- This results in a letter being written to King Darius back in Babylon. What do we learn from this letter about how the returned exiles were now thinking?
- What do we learn about:
- facing opposition?
- God’s sovereignty?
- God’s word?
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