You will need decent footwear and maybe a warm coat. If the weather is nice then we'll have somenibbles there or we can come back here for some hot-chocolate. See you there!
This passage continues the story of rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem and the opposition that now arises.
What do we know about the group that offer to help in rebuilding? Look at verse 1-2, but also 2 King 17:27-29, 40-41.
Why do the returned exiles refuse their offer of help?
How do they respond in verses 4-5? In what ways are we discouraged by opposition?
NOTE: verses 6-23 are actually an example of opposition from much later when the walls of Jerusalem are being rebuilt. They are put here as an example of opposition; they are not what actually stops the rebuilding of the temple. Verse 24 resumes the narrative from verse 5.
What example of opposition is given in verses 6-23?
The temple has ceased to be built; what does God do in response in 5:1? How do the people respond?
Opposition begins to appear again in verse 3. What is so comforting about verse 5?
This results in a letter being written to King Darius back in Babylon. What do we learn from this letter about how the returned exiles were now thinking?