This week, we'll enjoy some Christmas celebrations at our house. Bring something to nibble, and I'll provide the mulled wine.
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4v8
13 December 2010
29 November 2010
Bible Study: 1st December
This week's bible study is on John 4v1-42.
We will look at the passage under these three headings:
A light-bulb: This should be something that shines out from the passage – whatever impacts you most or draws most attention.
A question mark: Anything that is difficult to understand
in the passage, or a question you’d like to ask the writer or the people
A thinking man: A personal application for your life.
Looking forward to seeing you there.
This week's bible study is on John 4v1-42.
We will look at the passage under these three headings:
Looking forward to seeing you there.
23 November 2010
Games Night and Nosh
Tomorrow night (23rd November) we're having a games night at the UCCF office (they have a table-tennis table!) and some food.
If you want to bring a board game to play something then please do. There is plenty of parking and we start at 7:30.
Thanks go to Keith and Jenny for organising this.
Here is a map of 38 De Montfort Street, LE1 7GP:
View Larger Map
If you want to bring a board game to play something then please do. There is plenty of parking and we start at 7:30.
Thanks go to Keith and Jenny for organising this.
Here is a map of 38 De Montfort Street, LE1 7GP:
View Larger Map
27 October 2010
How are we doing as a Homegroup?
It was good to discuss tonight how we are doing as a Homegroup.
Some of the things we mentioned in no particular order:
- We liked
- the informality and the fun
- the sharing out the jobs, hosting, leading etc
- the meetings we have with other groups
- the mix of bible studies and socials
- Growing in openness
- keeping confidences
- sharing openly
- splitting into smaller groups
- Starting with a "worship" session
- a short time to focus us on the Lord
- More directed prayers
- praying for specific items
- praying for world/national events
- Growing in "community"
- be willing to ask for help (not be proud)
- be willing to offer help
- Pray for eachother
- remember to pray during the week, not just a Wednesday
06 October 2010
Family Meeting: 12th October
12th October is our next family meeting. Pray for Sarah who will be doing some feedback from her Ibiza trip.
See you there!
See you there!
Bible Study: 6th October
for Growth: Colossians 1:9-14
hadn’t met the Colossians, but he had heard about their conversion through
Epaphras (1:6-8). As a result he begins his letter by giving thanks for their
conversion (1:3-5) and he then prays for them (1:9-14).
Verse 9
What ‘reason’ does Paul have in mind in v9? Who does this make this
prayer suitable for?
Paul begins by asking that the Colossian Christians will be filled with
the knowledge of God’s will. What does this mean and how does he say it will
Verses 10-12
From verse 10, why is Paul praying what he does in v9? Does this aim
feature in our prayers for others and ourselves?
The rest of v10 and verses 11-12 give us the components of living a
life worthy of the Lord. Go through them asking what each of them means.
Give some examples of what praying these things would mean in practice
(perhaps for members of the group or for other people in the church).
Verse 13-14
Why does Paul mention rescue and redemption here? How does this fit
with the rest of the prayer?
How should this focus on the gospel feature in our praying?
Do we think of this sort of prayer as a bit ‘basic’ sometimes?
What can we learn from this prayer to change our own prayer life?
23 June 2010
High-jinks at Brocks Hill
20 June 2010
23 June Own Programme
This week we are going for a stroll at Brocks Hill, thanks Keith and Jenny for organising.
View Larger Map
You will need decent footwear and maybe a warm coat. If the weather is nice then we'll have somenibbles there or we can come back here for some hot-chocolate. See you there!
View Larger Map
You will need decent footwear and maybe a warm coat. If the weather is nice then we'll have somenibbles there or we can come back here for some hot-chocolate. See you there!
13 June 2010
Bible Study: Wednesday 16th June
Ezra 4-5
This passage continues the story of rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem and the opposition that now arises.
This passage continues the story of rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem and the opposition that now arises.
- What do we know about the group that offer to help in rebuilding? Look at verse 1-2, but also 2 King 17:27-29, 40-41.
- Why do the returned exiles refuse their offer of help?
- How do they respond in verses 4-5? In what ways are we discouraged by opposition?
- NOTE: verses 6-23 are actually an example of opposition from much later when the walls of Jerusalem are being rebuilt. They are put here as an example of opposition; they are not what actually stops the rebuilding of the temple. Verse 24 resumes the narrative from verse 5.
- What example of opposition is given in verses 6-23?
- The temple has ceased to be built; what does God do in response in 5:1? How do the people respond?
- Opposition begins to appear again in verse 3. What is so comforting about verse 5?
- This results in a letter being written to King Darius back in Babylon. What do we learn from this letter about how the returned exiles were now thinking?
- What do we learn about:
- facing opposition?
- God’s sovereignty?
- God’s word?
28 April 2010
Term Plan Summer 2010
Here is the plan for this term:
When | What | Who | Where |
28 Apr 2010 | Bible Study | Chris and Sue's | Keith and Jenny |
4 May 2010 | Family Meeting | ||
12 May 2010 | Bible Study | Kate | Kev and Melissa's |
18 May 2010 | Own Programme | With Danni and Adam's group | Pub quiz |
26 May 2010 | Bible Study | Chris and Sue | Chris and Sue's |
2 Jun 2010 | Own Programme | Skittles | Horse and Trumpet |
8 Jun 2010 | Family Meeting | ||
16 Jun 2010 | Bible Study | Sarah | Marge's |
23 Jun 2010 | Own Programme | Keith and Jenny | Walk |
30 Jun 2010 | Bible Study | Kate | Kate and Foggy's |
6 Jul 2010 | Family Meeting | ||
14 Jul 2010 | Bible Study | Chris and Sue | Chris and Sue's |
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