The Philippian church seemed to understand the gospel well but there were some false teachers around. As a result Paul decides to repeat some teaching on the gospel as a ‘safeguard’ (verse 1).
Verses 1-61) The ‘dogs’ (verse 2) are probably a group who thought you had to obey the Jewish law to be right with God, as well as believe in Jesus. List the ways Paul describes this group, and then himself and the church in comparison.2) Why does he choose these terms for each group? Where are the contrasts between them? 3) What does Paul mean by ‘confidence in the flesh’ (verse 3 and 4)? What reasons for such confidence did he have? 4) How do these verses challenge us as to where we put our confidence Verses 7-115) How does Paul now view these things that were to his profit? Why?
6) Why does Paul say knowing Christ Jesus the greatest thing? 7) What are Paul’s desires for his life from verse 10? 8) What difference do these truths make to: (a) our security with God, (b) our motivation for Christian living, (c) our priorities in life? Alternative Bible StudyPaul talks in this passage about things being to his ‘profit’ and ‘loss’. Make a list of what the world would put on a ‘profit’ and ‘loss’ list. Compare that with the list you think Paul would make.
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