John 16:16-33
1. As a group, review some of the major things Jesus has taught his disciples about the Christian life in John chapters 13-16 – Jesus’ last night with his disciples before the cross.
In John 16:16-33, Jesus focuses his disciples’ attention on his coming death and resurrection.
2. Read vv.20-22. What illustration does Jesus use to help the disciples understand his suffering on the cross? Why is this a helpful illustration?
3. In v.22, Jesus promises that joy will replace their grief. What will be the initial source of that joy?
4. Look at vv.23-24. How does Jesus say the disciples can have an ongoing experience of joy as they live for him? What can we learn from Jesus’ words here for our own lives?
5. Read vv.25-28. What new relationship with God the Father will Jesus’ followers enjoy after the cross and the resurrection?
6. What difference does knowing God as your Father make to your life here and now?
7. Read vv.29-32. Jesus knows the disciples will scatter once he is arrested. What does this tell us about the disciples at this stage in their faith? What does this tell us about Jesus and his willingness to go to the cross for them?
8. Read v.33. What vision of the Christian life does Jesus leave his disciples with here? How does this serve as a helpful summary of Jesus’ teaching in chapters 13-16 of John?
9. Spend some time praying about what you’ve learnt about the cross, the resurrection and the Christian life from this passage.