29 January 2013

Discussion: Prayer

Well it seems like AGES since we last met up. So please come to our house this week. We can sort out the rest of term, and I think it would be a good thing to discuss how we are doing with prayer in our Homegroup. I think it would be good to discuss things like:
  • How should we pray?
  • For what should we pray?
  • Different ways to organise prayer
  • How can we support each other better in prayer
  • How we can encourage more/better prayer in our homegroup
It would be great if you could take a moment to think through Homegroup and Prayer - and be willing to share your views.

Also next week is one of the regular Midland Gospel Partnership events at Oadby Evangelical Church with Graham Beynon 8pm. See the flyer below for more details. It would be good to support this event.