24 January 2011

Spring Term Plan 2011

Here is the latest term plan:

When What Who Where
26/1/11 Own Programme: Film and Pizza
Chris and Sue's
2/2/11 Bible Study Zak and Sarah Zak and Sarah
8/2/11 Family Meeting Family Meeting Knighton
16/2/11 Bible Study Keith and Jenny Kev and Melissa's
23/2/11 Own Programme: Games night
2/3/11 Bible Study Marge Zak and Sarah's
8/3/11 Family Meeting Family Meeting Knighton
16/3/11 Bible Study Chris Chris and Sue's
23/3/11 Own Programme

30/3/11 Bible Study Sarah W Kev and Melissa's
5/4/11 Family Meeting Family Meeting Knighton
13/4/11 Own Programme